Friday, August 31, 2012

I Got A Sponsor!!

Hooray! I've got my first official sponsor.  I've been asking anyone and everyone to wrack their brains for someone who would be interested in sponsoring our trip to the Utica Music and Arts Festival in September and we got what we asked for!  Premier Utility Services
was generous enough to sponsor us and cover most of our travel expenses.  Now I can actually pay my musicians for all of their hard work and time that they've dedicated to this project!  Recieving this sponsorship has given me a new sense of achievement and encouragement.  It's hard to be an independent artist.  Everything is a struggle and takes 10 times as long to get done.  Moments like this is what it's all for.
Now I'm just waiting to get our merchandise back from the printers and send out our new live CD to Disc Makers to get pressed.  So much to look forward to!!
Don't forget to Subscribe to keep up on the latest developments!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Is You Is or Is You Ain't? That Is The Question.

This was originally written about a year ago.  I never posted it, but I think it's a very valid thought

My question today is: Is my life Blog worthy? Am I awesome or am I plain lame? Is I is or Is I Ain't?

Since the inception of the RV trip aka: The Dream It True Tour and Elise's Life Is A Highway, life has really been about the grind for me. Keeping my focus and working, saving money and trying to progress with my music. All of which I have been doing, but from my day to day view of my life it seems regular, consistent and drama free. Not necessarily stuff to write about. Certainly not the stuff that inspires others, or is it? I don't attend regal galas, I don't frequent sexy soirees, I'm not raising awareness for breast cancer or brain cancer or any other horrific disease. I am a business owner and an aspiring musician and I find my hands pretty full with just those two things on my plate. Is such a life Blogable? Well, anything is blogable, but does anyone really care? Why do we blog and who really benefits from it?

The Business Blog at says:
"In terms of why people blog, well, my belief is that it's to have a voice, however small. To think that just like the people who write those fancy opinion columns for The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, you too can share your thoughts, vent, and complain to the public at large. Having said that, there are lots of really smart bloggers who have interesting perspectives on the news, politics, sports, business, etc., people who wouldn't otherwise be heard in mainstream media."

I haven't felt like blogging much lately. All of that focusing and keeping my eye on the prize has dulled down my blogging excitement, but a TV show made me realize that I am feeling as though my life is uninspired and thereby uninspiring to others. It may sound silly to some since I'm a singer and dog walker extraordinaire, but it's true. Often times, I FEEL like my life is boring and uninteresting and the little voice in my head questions my worthiness. But I know better than to give in to these Negative Nancy thoughts. Inspiring things happen ALL THE TIME. To me and everyone else. Inspiration isn't found only in huge life altering events. It can be as seen on TV!

     My mother said "Why would strangers want to read a blog about someone they don't know"? I argued because they can relate to a real person with a different perspective or a voice that can articulate what they can not. Inspiration isn't taken only from humanitarian acts of saving sick children, rescuing endangered species, or curing deadly diseases. It comes from one's perspective.  It's the WAY we look at our world that is inspiring.

For example: There's a dog that I see often at the dog park. He has Multiple Sclerosis. The owner fostered him, then decided to keep him. A few months later, I was told, the owner was diagnosed with MS. Of course this seems like a sick twist of fate, but she gets daily inspiration from this dog who simply lives his life. He goes on walks, he plays fetch, oh, did I mention that he's missing an eye too? The dog doesn't think about the future, or the progression of his disease. He just knows to keep chasing the ball and bring it back until he can't anymore. See? Inspiring.

I consider myself to live a privileged life that should leave me with boundless inspiration for myself and for others. I'm healthy, well fed, well clothed, well loved and I've been blessed to have an open mind and heart.
I don't always see the little things in my life as noteworthy, but I try to remind myself that
they are. I walk dogs everyday.  To me it's the same old routine, but to those who are on the 7th floor in Corporate America everyday, it can be an inspiration. I write songs and sing them. To me I give off a dull sheen in comparison to the accomplishments of my musical idols, but to someone who can't express themselves through music, perhaps I can touch their life. Or even to the next generation out there, we all know they could use a little inspiration.  Who knows? They could even inspire me right back just like our one eyed four legged friend. My point is, when I'm feeling down about my life and thinking that it's so mundane and boring; When I have self defeating thoughts that no one could possibly be interested in my simple little life I have to remember, and I ask you to remember, that inspiration is in all of us.

Can't Wait Till I Can Focus On My Focus

Ahhhhh!  I'm going slightly crazy.  So much to do!  I'm in transition; waiting mode.  Preparing for the future.  I'm maintaining life as I've known it for the last 6 years, but I'm anxiously awaiting the life that lies ahead of me. Life on the open road with Nick and Honey and enless musical adventures.

 Just like when I have to perform, waiting is the worst part.  I don't mind when I'm on stage in front of the hot lights.  It's waiting for it and over thinking every little detail that could possibly happen that drives me crazy.

Right now I'm running For Paws Philly, packing up our house, selling all of our furniture,  and planning for the Utica Music and Arts Fest in September., which entails looking for sponsors, scheduling rehearsals, rehearsing, finalizing the show format, getting merchandise made, getting a new batch of Cd's made, getting the RV ready, so many other little things I can not even name!

So, I find that I'm pretty sensitive at the moment.  I've been tearing up at the littlest things lately.  Like baby shower cards and videos of Britain's Got Talent!  Really?  I definitely  need a break, but I just have to keep on pushing through till  mid September, when, I think, all of the insanity will quiet down, at least for a few weeks.  Then I can finally focus on my focus:  Music and The Dream It True Tour.