Thursday, June 17, 2010


"Procrastination is like masturbation. It feels real good while you're doing it, but in the end you're just fucking yourself."

Why is it so difficult to do the things that we know we are supposed to do? Why is it more fun to stalk old flames on Facebook or watch an episode of Lost, even though we've seen it already, when we have hundreds of more important and more productive things to do? I find myself procrastinating and putting off things like phone calls that will further my career, following up on business emails,even silly things like going to the grocery store. I say, "It can wait 'till tomorrow", then tomorrow I put it off again.

Well, let's face it, work isn't always fun and it certainly isn't glamorous. Keeping our goal in the forefront of our minds can help, I think. When I'm procrastinating (my latest guilty pleasure is watching Prison Break on Netflix. Damn you technology!) what brings me back to my goal is the thought of how I will feel when I don't have anything to show 3 weeks from now, except the same dream I've had for 25 years that's still burning a hole in my soul. So, I guess you could say fear motivates me.

Fear can be a motivator, but sometimes it can be crippling too. I had a very wise college professor who said we sabotage ourselves out of fear. Not necessarily fear of failure, but fear of success. Succeeding at something means change (which is scary), more responsibility (scarier), and having something to loose (we all have something to gain!). But isn't there a saying that says, "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?" The way I see it, if you don't try for more, you've already surrendered to defeat. No risk, no reward. Apparently, I'd rather risk everything, than wonder about what might have been for the rest of my secure and boring life.

Yet another motivation for procrastination is simply that we are lost. I know I feel lost at least 3 times a day. A road map that clearly shows us where we are supposed to go would be a big help. How amazing would it be if we could google map our way to our dreams. Just type in the destination and a step by step guide on how to achieve our goals would pop up. Depending on the time frame, we could take the highway, or the scenic route. We could even send it to our phones and forward it to our friends!!! Unfortunately, that's the one thing google doesn't do...yet. So, until they do add the dream app to google, we must prepare ourselves for the unexpected, and create a road map to success on our own. I know I need to do this before I can even think about a road map across the country, hell, even to South Jersey, for that matter. I'm not sure how to do this just yet, but I've started by prioritizing. My number one goal is to save money. None of this can happen without the dead presidents. I'm also trying my darnedest to keep this blog interesting and informative so you are all inspired and thereby, hopefully, sponsors will be inspired to invest in this project. I always say, if you're gonna dream, you better dream big. How else will I get there?

As a dreamer, which undoubtedly, I am, inspiration comes and goes, it ebbs and flows. When you try to control it, it slips away like a fistful of sand. Or if you try hugging it too tightly you wind up smothering the life out of it. I find that when ideas come to me I get so excited and inspired, that I concoct these plans for greatness, but without follow through, they wither and crumble into a vague memory or worse, they become a regret.

They say "time is of the essence". What does this mean? Well, it means: Sure, you can do these things tomorrow, but, by then, someone else will probably beat you to it, and they will be living the dream that you put off 'till tomorrow so you could catch up on The Real Desperate Housewives of Whereverthefuck. I know it's a constant battle, and sometimes I will take a step forward only to take 2 steps back, but eventually I will find the strength to succeed. Life is short, so let's not waste it on the mundane, but instead live fully by pushing through obstacles, even if we are our own worst roadblock.

Please, Share your stories and struggles with me in the comments. We are all connected and there is inspiration within us all.

1 comment:

  1. I am queen of procrastination, so I hear ya! One way I found to force myself into action is to tell myself I will immediately do whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing, but I'll only do it for twenty minutes - and then I can go back to goofing off. I set the timer on my cell phone. Half the time I turn the timer off and continue doing what I'm supposed to be doing, since getting started is really the hardest part. The other half of the time I say "Thank Goodness!" and get back to Facebook or whatever, lol :)Btw if you could invent a Dream App for Google I would like that, thx!
